Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend Whenever You Are Bored In A Chat

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Dating is all about having fun,but at some point if you do find yourself with someone that you’re thinking of maybe having something a little more long term; there’re certain topics you should cover. You will save yourself and them a lot of everything if you talk about these things at some point. You may consider Making a list and have them answer the ones they are able to answer. It is interesting also, maybe, the questions they can’t or don‘t want to answer. I think this would be a fun exercise either way!!
Okay, I’ve read it already.Everyone should read it and answer the questions, at least for yourself.

1. Where do you visualize yourself in 5 years, 10 years?

2. Have you had an experience you would say has impacted the direction of your life?

3. Have you had to make an important decision that affected the direction of your life?

4. Are there people you don’t like? Are there people that don’t like you?

5. Where do you consider being places for romance?

6. What has been your most embarrassing moment?

7. Are you ever bored?

8. What are good leisure activities a family should try to do together?

9. Are you okay that I still have some feeling for my Ex?

10. What is your definition of emotional intimacy?

Guys review thos questions and answer them Yourself also!

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